With so much information offered for free anywhere, it is quite a challenge to determine which one holds truth and valuable to you.
When it comes to weight loss, you do not need to complicate things. Shredding some excess pounds is often as easy as eating right and getting active. Although limiting calories is an important element of the most successful weight loss programs. The type of food you choose to consume is also essential.
Rice, a gluten-free grain is relatively affordable and a versatile ingredient in various recipes. This can be a great option when you are trying to lose weight, if and only if you pick the right kind.
Rice consists of 3 elements: the germ, the bran, and the endosperm. The germ contains a bundle of minerals and vitamins. The bran is where you can find the most dietary fiber. When brown rice is processed to produce other variety, the germ, and the bran are eliminated, leaving the endosperm behind.
You will find more than quick-to-digest carbs in the endosperm. This is the main reason white rice is such a nutritional flop compared to more nutritious brown rice. White rice is not just responsible for a sudden blood sugar rise; it can also lead to fat gain. So if you are interested in a fat diminisher system, read about the other rices below.
The best time for you to enjoy white rice is after a vigorous. At this point, your body can benefit more from the fast-digesting carbs that white rice offers. Mainly, the carbohydrates will be immediately taken up by the muscles to substitute spent energy stores.
Always keep in mind that some varieties of rice stimulate your energy needs and your well being than others. Rice is a prehistoric staple for millions of inhabitants of this modern world, but it has come under scrutiny in recent years. First came, the low-carbohydrates craze, which considered eating limited rice an express ticket to slimming down. Now, the upturn in Paleo eating has prompted a new generation of rice haters into full swing.
For various cultures, this grain represents beauty, prosperity, nourishment and even fertility. In some wedding ceremonies, you will witness the customary act of tossing rice at newlyweds. For those who train hard, rice can offer a perfect mix of nutrients an active body really needs to achieve optimal performance.
Even if other gluten-free grains like amaranth are creating such frenzy these days, rice remains a nourishing choice if you really know what to look for.
Food stores, health shops, and even bigger supermarkets are increasingly packed with the most healthy and tasteful varieties of rice from all across the world.
Take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of some of the most popular types of rice.
Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of several popular types.
1. The Wild Rice

Although it appears and grows like rice, but from a botanical standpoint, wild rice is not actually rice.
This is native to North America and is a seed of an aquatic grass, which is traditionally harvested via canoe by the indigenous people.
Many of today’s wild rice displayed on store shelves has been tamed already and grown in man-made paddies.
However, you can still locate some lake-grown, hand-harvested, and organic wild rice in some specialty stores. This variety of rice delivers a remarkable range of nutrients; magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and B vitamins, which include the cancer-protective, foliate.
Wild rice has a smoky aroma and a chewy texture. Its nutty taste will definitely stand out when used in salads and soups. The only disadvantage is that it will take up to an hour to cook. You should consider preparing a huge batch or soak the grains overnight. This method will minimize the cooking time by 30%.
2. The Brown Rice
Basmati and Jasmine are varieties of brown rice that still have their germ and bran layers. It means that they give health conscious individuals with a range of essential nutrients like magnesium, B vitamins, and bone-building phosphorous.
Though the data says that more or less 50% of all Americans do not consume their daily requirement of magnesium, this is a very important mineral essential for proper muscle functioning. Low magnesium levels also contribute or at least foretell heart disease.
The dietary fiber that present in brown rice – approximately 5 grams in every cooked cup – can help anyone suppress hunger pangs leading to gut-busting junk and sweet food binges by decelerating digestion. You will surely enjoy brown rice with its nutty aroma missing from the white variety.
If you want to have a perfect pot of brown rice every time, place a cup of it with 1 ½ cups of water, and a few pinches of salt in a medium size pan. Bring it to a boil, adjust the heat to low for about half an hour. Once you turn off the heat, let it stand for 10 more minutes. Using a fork, fluff the rice.
If you want it to taste better, cook brown rice in coconut water to give it a sweet flavour. Surely, you will never use regular water again.
3. The Black Rice

Cultivated in China, black rice is a prominent variety of rice. It possesses a laudable chewy texture, and nutty, sweet taste. A recent research found out that the bran layer of black rice is rich in anthocyanins.
These are also the same type of antioxidants present in dark berries such as blueberries, which sweep through the body finding cell-damaging free radicals to smash.
If you visit some Asian Markets and some specialty stores, look for Chinese black rice. There are some reliable brands you can pick. According to the ancient Chinese belief, black rice is called “Forbidden Rice” because the grains once only served to emperors.
Not to be confused with Thai black sticky rice or wild rice, black rice turns to vibrant purple grains when cooked. It can really give you a “wow” factor. It is especially perfect for salad or stir-fry.
4. The Sprouted Rice
If you like the healthiest bang for your buck, select a bag of sprouted rice. To produce this type of rice, companies launch the process of grain germination. The process encourages the sprouted rice to begin to grow into a plant, which enhances its nutritional value.
A study conducted by the Journal of Functional Foods discovered that germinating brown rice causes an uptake in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels. GABA is a compound which can support the heart health and mood. Sprouted foods like rice are simpler to digest and are faster to cook since their hard outer shell is softened during the process of sprouting.
5. The Wehani Rice
The Wehani rice is the brain-child of the Lundberg Family Farms in northern California. This is russet-colored and long-grain heirloom rice. This is slightly chewy and fills you with the aroma of buttery popcorn as it cooks. Its taste is somewhat similar to brown basmati rice.
Wehani is rich in complex, slow-digesting carbs required to stimulate hard-charging muscles. Proteins do a lot to sculpt physique, and it is essential to keep in mind that carbs provide most of the energy important to maintain those high-intensity gym activities.
But you have to go easy on Wehani and other less processed variety of rice. The extra fiber they contain may leave your stomach crying foul in the middle of your workout.
What are the Nutritional Distinctions in Rice?
Brown rice is a whole grain; both the bran and the germ have been preserved. In terms of white rice, these parts have been polished away. Consequently, brown rice contains higher levels of magnesium and other minerals as well as fiber. One cup of white rice has just one gram of fiber, while one cup of brown rice contains four. The daily fiber requirement is between 25 and 30 grams.
Fiber slows down the speed of digestion at which carbs are converted into blood sugar. This reduces the food’s glycemic load. Remember that the lower glycemic load the better.
What Is The Appropriate Serving Size of Rice?
Even though some kinds of rice contain lower glycemic load compared to others, no specific kind can actually be considered a low glycemic food. It is very important to implement some portion control, regardless what variety you are eating. Every serving of rice should only be a cup or as big as your fist.
Why Do You Need To Stick With Brown Rice?
Unlike refined grains, whole grains like brown rice are excellent sources of minerals, dietary fiber, and vitamins. Consuming nutrient-packed foods help you achieve your daily nutritional needs, while limiting calories. Dietary fiber makes you feel satiated without contributing extra calories, definitely supports all your weight loss efforts.
A Nutrition Research study published in 2010 backed the idea that whole grains are significant for weight control. This study reviewed the connection between body weight and a whole-grain diet. They found out those adults who consume more whole grains in their diet weigh lighter than those who consume fewer whole grains.
One can get more or less four grams of dietary fiber and 220 calories from a cup of brown rice. In addition, a cup of wild rice gives roughly 170 calories and three grams of fiber. Both varieties are good sources of niacin, zinc, vitamin B-6, thiamine and phosphorus.
Get Rid Of White Rice!
Whether you are looking forward to preventing weight gain or lose weight, white rice is not a smart choice. This refined grain has the same effects on the body just like a cookie, traditional pasta, and white bread. These food items are digested and absorbed quickly, making your blood sugar level to ascend faster and your insulin will react proportionately.
Eating refined grains elevate levels of blood sugar and insulin response causing hunger spikes. These spikes make it difficult to control caloric consumption and may put a person at risk of weight gain.
In 2010, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study that answers the question: Why We Need to Avoid White Rice? It was discovered that adults whose diet include a lot of refined grains are prone to gain more abdominal fat. This kind of fat has been linked with type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other serious health issues.
A cup of white rice has no dietary fiber and contains 240 calories. Refined grains such as white rice contain limited amounts of minerals and vitamins.